After the huge success of the operation “Mediterranean Storm” by the Fuel and Gas Crisis Committee in deterring smugglers by land, sea and air, the Chairman of the Committee, Milad Hajreesi, has declared the launch of a new operation named “National Awakening.”

The operation, designed to target businessmen and companies who were granted bank credits to subsidize the cost of foodstuffs and other products, which should ease the retail prices at the till for the public.

The operation began by targeting the main food wholesale area, Kraimia, where stores and warehouses were raided systematically to check for out of date foods, repackaged and dated or prohibited brands and items from the Libyan market.

Large Libyan supermarket chains that were supposed sell their subsidized goods at the cheaper price were only selling some at the lower price and the rest was being sold to Egyptians, as Egyptians would not report such activity to authorities in fear of retaliation.

The traders from Egypt were quick to invest in such a quick and heavy profit by buying trucks and means of transporting the goods, these vehicles were targeted and seized and their cargo confiscated by “National Awakening” personnel.

In a video recording, Hajreesi stated that after the investigation of the Kraimia area, he was sad to see the living conditions of these workers, living in dilapidated buildings with no sewerage or clean water.

“Most of these foreign workers do not even possess health certificates.” He added.  Hajreesi also stated that on the field tests concluded that a number of those arrested because of their immigration status showed that they had various diseases yet worked with foodstuffs most likely without the proper protection.

The operation is said to be set up in phases with a phase two targeting retailers who exceed the subsidized market price.