Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, and the head of the National Oil Corporation, Farhat Bin Qadara, discussed on Thursday, the NOC development plan for 2023.
Dbeibah praised the efforts of the Central Bank of Libya, the Audit Bureau, the Supreme Council of Energy, the Special Budget Follow-up Committee, NOC Board of Directors and all workers in the oil sector, for their continuous efforts to maintain production.
Dbeibah also stressed the need to achieve the target production rate of the NOC plan approved by the Supreme Council of Energy.
For his part, Bin Qadara stressed that the plan to stabilize oil and gas production and increase it to 2 million barrels requires the rallying of efforts of all state institutions.
He also praised the Council of Minister’s decision to approve a special budget for the sector in 2022, which contributed to addressing the bottlenecks that the NOC encounters.