
The Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR), Aqila Saleh, decided on Wednesday to make a new reduction in the tax imposed on the banks' selling price of foreign currencies to 15% for all purposes, instead of 20%.

This was the second reduction in what is known as the "dollar tax", which had been reduced last October for the first time to 20% instead of the 27% imposed by the HoR last March.

According to the text of the decision, "the granted exceptions must be taken into account", with the possibility of reducing the fee according to the circumstances of the Libyan state's revenues, pertaining to a proposal submitted by the Governor of the Central Bank.

The Director of the Office of Presidential Affairs in the HoR, Osama Younis, sent a letter to the Governor of the Central Bank, Naji Issa, and his deputy, Marie Al-Barasi, requesting that the necessary measures be taken regarding the new reduction. 

The decision of the HoR Speaker came after leaks that continued to circulate for more than a month and a half through Libyan social media regarding a new reduction in the tax, specifically after the Governor of the Central Bank and the new Board of Directors assumed their duties last October.