Doctors in the mountain town of Zintan have successfully removed dozens of metal objects from a 20-year old boy’s stomach, in a rare case that surprised the medical staff and local residents.
A medical source from Zintan General Hospital told Almarsad news website that the patient was admitted to the emergency department on Friday suffering from severe pain in his stomach. He lost the ability to drink and eat, and doctors were shocked to find that in the last few hours he had swallowed dozens of metal pieces.
The website added that images of X-ray from the patient's stomach showed pieces of plastic and metal pieces including nails, coins, bolts and screws in addition to some other solids that required surgical intervention to remove them.
The source confirmed that the patient suffered from a critical mental condition, while his parents believed that their son was under the influence of black magic. The patient is said to be on follow up and is doing well.
X-ray from the patient's stomach. Almarsad Photo