The Libyan Football Federation (LFF) said it will form 12 steering committees, according to the member Majdi Shuayed, who added that four committees will be formed in no time in the next LFF meeting on Sunday.
The deputy head of Sahari Bank in Sirte, Muftah Al-Werfalli, said that repairing works have finished in a number of banks and they are ready to resume services for the public, saying they are waiting for the banking network to be online to kick off work after a year of suspension.
Werfalla town social council rejected a visit request by the British Ambassador in Libya, Peter Millett, saying the UK is like other world countries that all have agendas to be implemented in Libya. It added that it is a local body and doesn't represent all Libyans, so it is not in its best interest to communicate with foreign countries.
Tunisian navy forces at Sfax naval base intercepted a Libyan boat with 11 Egyptian sailors and a Libyan captain. The boat was detained as it entered Tunisia's territorial waters and ventured to fish in there, Tunisian media said, adding that 5 tons of fish were also detained onboard the boat. Tunisian authorities have intercepted many shipping ships lately with goods onboard as they based in transit through Tunisian waters, saying the goods are Chinese and not original.
Employees of the commercial bank in Ubari city, with local officials and residents, called in a sit-in for the release of the head of the bank's branch in the city Omar Zebida, who was kidnapped without any information about his whereabouts or the demands of the kidnappers.
The Libyan Association for Literature and Arts, is celebrating the World Poetry Day on Tuesday by organizing an Open Mic for verses and poems at the old town's Hassan Al-Faqih Studio in Tripoli at 5.00 pm, with several Libyan poets and poetesses taking part.
Misrata MPs bloc as well as the city's elders and municipal council issued a statement confirming their commitment to the peaceful circulation of power in Libya, denouncing the use of arms to impose political agenda or achieve political gains.
The Libyan National Commission for Human Rights denounced on Tuesday the unlawful executions made by Haftar's Saiqa Forces Commander in Benghazi, Mahmoud Al-Werfalli. It added that what was seen on the execution video as three captives were executed by Al-Werfalli in cold blood is a heinous crime that is similar to IS crimes against humanity.