46 members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) called on the UN envoy to Libya, Jan Kubis, to hold an emergency session to discuss their responsibilities for implementing the roadmap and proposing solutions to the challenges that are threatening the political process.
The LPDF members, in a statement circulated on social media Sunday, told the UN envoy to Libya that they were ready to act positively to salvage the country and implement the roadmap, saying they would be convening sessions inside and outside Libya for that matter.
They hoped UNSMIL would take up its responsibilities as per Security Council resolutions, including working with the LPDF to finish the roadmap successfully to reach stability and security through general elections in Libya on December 24.
Earlier, 31 members of the LPDF called on August 28 for an emergency session to handle massive violations of the roadmap that undermined the unity and stability of Libya.