The Head of Benghazi displaced persons, Saad Al-Abedi, said the number of the displaced from eastern Libya had reached 250.000, telling Anadolu News Agency on the sidelines of the first international conference for the displaced that the displaced from eastern Libya are now in Misrata, Tripoli, Al-Zawiya, Gharyan, Msallata, and Al-Khums, but the biggest number is between Tripoli and Misrata.
Al-Abedi said the number has dropped as some displaced people left Libya, some died and so on, saying now there are more than 100.000 displaced persons.
A Benghazi displaced person, Muna Sweid, told Anadolu Agency that they had been attacked in Benghazi by Operation Dignity forces of Khalifa Haftar on October 15, 2014 inside the house, adding that she lost her father and three brothers on that day, and that they were forced out of the house by the use of weapons along with lots of families from the Sweid kins, forcing them to leave westward; merely because they opposed Haftar's Operation Dignity at the time.
Benghazi Displaced People Association organized last Saturday the first international conference for the displaced in Libya. Arab and Turkish experts attended the event in Tripoli.