Al-Bayda city revolutionaries expressed Tuesday total rejection to the return of Gaddafi’s regime to Libya in whatsoever form and condemned abduction and forced absence cases as well as torture and murder cases in Libya.

The Head of both Al- Bayda Revolutionaries Gathering and the Martyr Ali Hassan Al-Jaber Brigade, Colonel Mohammed Abu Ghafayer, said in a press statement that Al-Bayda revolutionaries support the formation of military and police institutions and reject glorification of individuals, calls for a military council and excluding revolutionary fighters under any circumstances, thus refusing any return of the military reign to Libya.

Abu Ghafayer stressed the rejection of the inclusion of Gaddafi-regime interior security officials in the current security department in Libya saying that they are following external plans and orders directly from a Gaddafi-supporters’ operation room in many countries such as Tunisia and Egypt. In addition, they are fighting alongside Dignity Operation to revenge upon Benghazi city, which was the torch of the 17 February revolution disguising in a terrorism-fighting costume.

He confirmed that some fighters from Al-Bayda have come back home after fighting for Dignity Operation in Benghazi for months after discovering that the operation is connected with the interior security department.

He indicated that rogue Gen. Khalifa Haftar, whom he described as the leader of the armed groups fighting in Benghazi, will not survive the ferociousness of the interior security department, which is now in control of a big part of state institutions in the east of Libya.

Colonel Abu Ghafayer also indicated that the radical Islamist organizations that have found a foothold in Libya after the revolution are also responsible for the return of the Gaddafi-regime officials back to the front. Consequently, he pointed out that Al-Bayda Revolutionaries Gathering is about to kick off a military movement against those who want to undermine the 17 February revolution, which gave dignity to all Libyans, stressing that it won’t affect the Libyan social fabric.

He urged the parties taking part in the UNSMIL-brokered dialogue to reach an immediate agreement and cease of bloodshed and to unite themselves to face the conspiracies being hatched against Libya.

Al-Bayda revolutionaries have also reiterated their integrity with Libya’s soil and 17 February revolution’s principles, denouncing the foreign intervention that has lit up the ongoing war and division among Libyans.
