The spokesman for Khalifa Haftar's forces Ahmed Al-Mismari said the drums of war are beating in Tripoli. This came in his remarks on a statement issued by the House of Representatives' (HoR) Prime Minister-designate Fathi Bashagha, which was seen by political observers as a latent call for war.
Al-Mismari told Saudi Al-Hadath TV Channel that he thought of Bashagha's government remarks as the ultimatum for those who are shouldering weapons, saying that what comes after this statement will only be a declaration of the entry to Tripoli.
Answering a question about whether Haftar's forces would participate in bringing Bashagha's government to Tripoli? Al-Mismari said this was not one of the tasks of their forces and they do not provide support for Bashagha or any others.
"This is a conflict for power in Tripoli, and each of the two men has an armed force and allies on the ground there. Whoever takes power in the capital, whether before or after the fighting, is the one who will be able to represent the Libyan government. We confirm that our forces are not a party to this conflict at all." Al-Mismari said.
Bashagha's statement on Tuesday warned legal action against those who are taking up arms against his government, saying the Government of National Unity has expired and has no legitimate status, adding: "no wrong or fighting with those who took the path of legitimacy and the homeland. We want peace and gasp for avoiding bloodshed, we say no to conflict and war against our brothers. Those who take ip arms against the Libyan government are to be subject of legal action for their crime."
Bashagha government's Interior Minister Essam Buzariba also issued a statement calling on the Ministry's personnel to be on alert to protect public and private properties and maintain security in Tripoli and other cities, warning them against joining armed forces that want to fight the legitimate Libyan government and its right to work from inside Tripoli.
Observers believe those three statements are a declaration of war especially with the ongoing mobilization of forces on both sides.