Khalifa Haftar’s self-styled “Libyan national army” is recognized by several western countries and the UN Mission in Libya
Benghazi IDPs denounce ISIS-style burning of anti-Dignity Operation fighters

A disturbing video of burning of bodies of Benghazi Shura fighters by Dignity Operation militants has sparked social media anger on Saturday.
The video shows a member of Khalifa Haftar’s self-styled army, mainly from Sahawat savages, setting fire on bodies of Benghazi Shura fighters while shouting rude insults.
Sources from the city said the bodies were taken out of Benghazi Medical Centre and set on fire in an ISIS-style execution in the garden of the center while many people stood watching.
Benghazi IDPs deplored the heinous act, demanding all human rights organizations and activists to document the crimes of Dignity Operation.
“It’s clear evidence that refutes Dignity Operation claims of fighting terrorism,” the IDPs said in a statement.
They confirmed that their houses had been set on fire by Dignity Operation because of their rejection to Khalifa Haftar’s agenda.
The notorious Sahawat (awakening) militants are the backbone of Khalifa Haftar's self-styled army.
Structure of Khalifa Haftar's army. Click to play video: [VIDEO::]