The Civil Society Commission has condemned the detention of its Executive Director of the Commission, Ibrahim Al-Maqsabi by the Internal Security Agency in Benghazi.
In a statement on its Facebook account, the commission stated that the arrest came on purely internal administrative backgrounds that were dealt with as a result of a malicious complaint submitted by the former chairperson of the commission's board of directors, who lost the confidence of the Board of Directors.
The statement indicated that the Internal Security Agency seized computers from the offices of the executive management, condemning what it described as "absurd acts by those without jurisdiction, which are understood as aimed to fight civil society through the commission, being one of the civil state institutions, and distort the work of the security services."
The commission's board of directors announced the suspension of work until the release of Al-Maqsabi and the return of the confiscated equipment.
The statement appealed to local and international civil society organizations to declare their solidarity with the commission and to hold those behind these arbitrary measures responsible.