The Bureau of Statistics and Census has denied issuing any reports, data, or studies related to poverty rates in Libya, refuting on its Facebook page what was published on social media citing the National Institution for Human Rights in Libya, and saying what was mentioned regarding the poverty rate was incorrect.
The Bureau has explained that it publishes its data on the website and its official page on social media, inviting all interested entities and researchers to visit them for information. It also indicated that it announced last week the preliminary results of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey, which was considered one of the most important household surveys conducted by statistical agencies in various countries of the world.
It confirmed that, in implementing the survey, it had adhered to all scientific requirements recommended locally and internationally, which guaranteed the quality of the survey’s outcome and built indicators in a way that provided full support for development plans. It also called on all media outlets to look for accuracy and professionalism in reporting the news.
The National Institution for Human Rights in Libya announced that the poverty rate in Libya increased to 40% in 2023, adding in a statement on Tuesday that a study by the Bureau of Statistics and Census showed the average monthly household and individual expenses, and the Center for Social Studies reported that the poverty rate in Libya for the year 2023 would rise to 40%, according to the preliminary results of the Comprehensive Survey of Household Income and Expenditure 2022/2023.