
Canadian authorities have accused Chinese officials of planning to evade UN sanctions and trying to smuggle military drones to Khalifa Haftar using COVID-19 aid as a cover, according to the American magazine Defense News.

According to the magazine, a Canadian investigator alleged that Chinese government officials conspired to conclude a $1 billion deal to send 42 drones to Haftar using corrupt UN officials as intermediaries.

The investigator said that the Chinese government appears to have approved a strategy to help Libya purchase and deliver military equipment through designated and approved companies to hide the direct involvement of government agencies. 

Last April, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police reported that conspiracy charges were brought against Fathi Al-Mawak and Mahmoud Al-Sayeh for the illegal sale of Chinese drones and military equipment to Libya.

The Canadian police explained that the two defendants circumvented existing international sanctions to facilitate illegal activities, while working for the International Civil Aviation Organization, a UN agency in Montreal.

Police said that Al-Sayeh used a scheme to hide sellers and buyers of military equipment, and he is still wanted, and Interpol has issued a red notice against him, while Al-Mawak, who facilitated the purchase of oil, was arrested.