The Head of the Derna Shura Council Atiyah Al-Shaari announced the dissolution of the council and formation of a new body under the name “Derna Security Force” that will be operating under Libyan army military officers.
Al-Shaari, who appeared on TV for the first time, said Friday that the Shura Council was supported all along its previous work period as it managed to prevail security, especially when it fought and defeated IS militants.
“We are thus determined to continue prevailing security in Derna under a new vision that includes all of the city’s residents ( and based on their own desire) to fight off and thwart the attacks of “war captive” Khalifa Haftar.” Al-Shaari said.
“Haftar’s warplane killed tens of civilians including women and children after the council fighters defeated and kicked out IS terrorists, while council fighters foiled huge numbers of Haftar’s forces attacks to advance on Derna.” He added.
He said the Derna Shura Council has always extended a reconciliation hand and a peace call for all Libyan parties.
Derna Shura Council was founded on December 12, 2014 to protect the city and then entered in a fight against IS militants.
Meanwhile, Haftar is using the presence of the council in Derna to attack it under the pretext of “fighting terrorism and Islamic extremists” accusing the council fighters of being linked to Al-Qaeda, which was denied by the council saying they are all revolutionaries who fight against Gaddafi and are moderates who reject terrorism and extremism.