Spokesperson of Dignity Operation Mohammed Al-Hijazi has abandoned the operation and its leader saying it was veered off course.
In a statement on Karama TV last night, Al-Hijazi accused rogue Gen. Khalifa Haftar of corruption and bloodshed describing him as a narcissistic dictator.
"We cannot be silent any more about his killings, kidnappings, destruction, and forced disappearance." He said, adding that he is behind all displacement of Benghazi people and burning down their homes.
He declared that Haftar negotiated with UNSMIL chief Martin Kobler for the post of defense minister in the government of national concord in order to allow a green zone in the country.
"We will not accept this trusteeship government after all these sacrifices." He threatened.
"We put our hands with him, we thought we would establish a military institution but now we say no to Haftar and his corrupt militias as we did so with Gaddafi." He underlined.
Al-Hijazi also accused Haftar of being a foreign agent and corrupt for transferring military funds to his sons in Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan.
"Haftar and his aides do not know anything about the fighting in the frontlines," says Al-Hijazi, adding that he deliberately prolonging the war for his own interest.
Al-Hijazi also declared that Haftar and his militias attempted to assassinate him, pointing out that fighting this tyrant is an honour for him.