Spokesperson of Khalifa Haftar’s militias threatened on Wednesday to fight cities that are under the control of UN-proposed government.
Speaking in his weekly press conference, Ahmed Al-Mismari said cites and towns under the control of Sirraj militias must be attacked following the parliament's rejection to Fayaz Sirraj government and all its resolutions and decisions.
"Any institution or city under Sirraj militias would be regarded illegal and must be attacked," he threatened.
"The formation of Presidential Guard, foreign intervention and Sirte battle are all illegal," he said, adding that Dignity Operation war - against opponents- is still ongoing.
Dignity Operation's frequent threats to attack opponents and deepen the ongoing conflict in the country are usually neglected by western countries, international organizations, UNSMIL, and media outlets.
In May, chief of staff of Tobruk-based parliament Abdul Raziq Nadouri threatened to attack Tripoli and liberate from what he described as militias.
The other side of the coin, calls to attack Khalifa Haftar's forces were regarded as bloodshed. Dignity Operation media outlets usually accuse Libya's Grand Mufti of inciting violence and bloodshed for his Fatwa to attack Haftar's forces and kidnap gangs in Wirshiffana.
Early this month, pro-Dignity Operation cells in Tripoli sealed a number of stickers that showed a picture of Sheikh Sadiq Al-Gharyani with "no to Muslim Brotherhood" and "Enough Bloodshed" written on them.