Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor urged in a statement Libyan authorities to investigate the conditions of the detention of 800 Syrian nationals by the Libyan Coast Guard as they tried to immigrate to Europe.
"Inhumane practices against hundreds of Syrian migrants detained in its prisons are reprehensible. An immediate intervention must be made to end these violations that jeopardize human dignity." The statement reads.
It also said that during the past four months, the Libyan Coast Guard has arrested about 800 Syrian nationals who were trying to immigrate to Europe through the Mediterranean from the Libyan shores, adding that Libyan forces took them to four detention centers in Tripoli, namely Al-Zawiya, Abu Salim, Ain Zara and Ghout Alshaal.
"The detainees are also forced to pay up to $1000 in exchange for their release through "brokers" who receive these sums in agreements concluded between them and the directors of the prisons and detention centers." It added.
"Former detainees also said that the administrations of the prisons and detention centers pursue a policy of medical neglect with detainees, especially those with chronic diseases, as they do not provide them with the necessary treatment. This led to the death of at least one Syrian detainee and the deterioration of the health of many others." The report indicated.
It said that most Syrians who arrive in Libya – planning to immigrate to Europe – come from the Daraa governorate, southern Syria.
Legal researcher at Euro-Med Monitor, Youssef Salem, stressed that “The Libyan government is responsible for all the arbitrary practices that take place inside the prisons and detention centers it runs. The government is also responsible for implementing the relevant local and international rules in dealing with detainees, and abiding by the international conventions it has ratified, including the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment."
The organization said the Libyan government should open an urgent investigation into the detention conditions of hundreds of Syrian migrants, put an end to all arbitrary and illegal practices against them, and hold all those involved in these heinous violations accountable.
"The United Nations Support Mission in Libya and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should conduct field visits to prisons and detention centers, where migrants are held, to review the conditions of detention and present comprehensive reports to the relevant United Nations agencies, which should in turn should take all possible measures to limit violations of the rights of migrants and detainees in Libya." It remarked.