A secret deal between Khalifa Haftar and figures from the Moammar Gaddafi-era Revolutionary Committees has been signed in the UAE, Libya Al-Ahrar TV Channel has reported.
The Revolutionary Committees' figures met with Haftar and the Speaker of the House of Representatives Aqila Saleh in Abu Dhabi to coordinate more regarding the offensive against Tripoli, the channel added.
"Haftar proposed to share power in Libya with the figures of the Revolutionary Committees and to enable the Gaddafi loyalists to regain power in Libya in return for having their support in the ongoing fighting." The report added, saying they discussed intensifying military and media attacks on the cities that are defending Tripoli, especially Misrata.
According to Libya Al-Ahrar, the meetings were very confidential so they avoid any reactions from the Gaddafi loyalists who think of the UAE as a country that helped topple Gaddafi in 2011.
It added that the leader at the Gaddafi-era Revolutionary Committees Mustafa Al-Zaydi was one of people who arrived in Abu Dhabi, coming from Cairo, to meet with Haftar.
Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Libyan National Popular Movement Nasser Saied has stated full support for Haftar's forces in their attack on Tripoli to eradicate "February Conspiracy".
The movement, whose members are mostly from the Gaddafi-era Revolutionary Committees that are involved in many human rights violations and crimes, said in a statement that supporting Haftar's forces is a strategic decision and needs no political deals.