The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Fatou Bensouda has renewed the call for immediate arrest and surrender of the senior Libyan commander, Mahmoud Al-Werfalli.
Al-Werfalli, who is a notorious commander of Al-Saiqa Force of Khalifa Haftar's forces, is wanted by the ICC for war crimes and summary executions amid reports coming out last week showing he has killed (or supervised the killing of) more people.
"Al-Werfalli stands accused of serious crimes. I therefore call again on Libya to take all possible steps to immediately arrest and surrender him to the ICC," The prosecutor said on Wednesday.
Despite Dignity Operation’s claims that Al-Werfalli is under arrest, the serial killer traveled to the town of Ajdabiya, some 170 southwest of Benghazi, and carried out a summary execution of 5 prisoners, turning a deaf ear to the ICC arrest warrant and the western countries that called for his handover.
In mid-August, the ICC issued an arrest warrant of Al-Werfalli, saying he was behind a series of murders and bloody executions of 33 people in the city of Benghazi.