The Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Milanesi talked to the Head of the Presidential Council Fayez Al-Sirraj on the phone on Tuesday.
Milanesi offered his condolences for the victims of the "terrorist attack" that targeted the Libyan National Oil Corporation (NOC) and those of the latest violence in southern Trioli, according to the media of office of Al-Sirraj.
Milanesi reiterated support for the PC and all Libyans to establish stability and security across the country.
Milanesi also called deputy head of the PC, Ahmed Mitig, going into mutual relations between the two countries.
It wasn't clear whether or not Milanesi and the PC officials talked about the meeting of Monday between the Italian FM and Haftar in Rajma.
The two men had a long and cordial conversation which relaunched close relations with Italy, in a climate of consolidated trust, according to the Italian foreign ministry.
Relations between Haftar and Italy had gone awry lately as he insisted, pushed by France, on elections by the end of the year without constitutional basis, which Italy said should be founded before elections.
Mouthpieces of Haftar and media outlets loyal to him waged a media war on Italy calling on Libyans to protests Italy's presence in Tripoli and demand expelling its ambassador, whom the HoR and Al-Bayda-based government also called a persona non grata over Italy's stance on Libyan elections.