Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos forces repelled an attack by Dignity Operation armed groups on Sirte on Wednesday.
The Media Office of Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos said Dignity Operation armed groups took their forces in Abu Hadi district in southern Sirte by surprise while the forces were monitoring ISIS movements in the district.
The office added that the attackers in Abu Hadi were repelled, but clashes against other Dignity Operation groups in checkpoint 17 east of Sirte are still ongoing.
Military sources indicated that there is coordination between Dignity Operation and ISIS fugitives to attack Sirte.
Today’s attack was not the first one. In June 02, Dignity Operation and ISIS militants launched simultaneous attacks on Sirte outskirts.
In March, a leaked phone call between the former advisor of the House of Representatives’' Dialogue Team, Mahmoud Al-Musrati, and one of the officers under the command of Khalifa Haftar, revealed that there is a continuous communication between ISIS militants and Dignity Operation. The leaked phone call, which Al-Musrati has admitted, also proved that ISIS militants in Benghazi’s Al-Sabri and Qanfouda districts had been given a safe corridor by Dignity Operation fighters to leave from the western gate of the city to Bani Walid valleys in western Libya.
Meanwhile, Wanis Boukhamada, the commander of the Special Forces of Dignity Operation, invited the forces of Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos to join Khalifa Haftar’s self-styled army. Spokesman Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos Mohamed Al-Ghosri reacted to the invitation saying in a statement "there is currently no army in Libya; the Libyan people are in need of building a capable military force.”