The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, has said his country supports holding Libya elections in a way that doesn't leave any room for doubt about its credibility, confirming the need to withdraw foreign troops from Libyan territory gradually and smoothly.
"The withdrawal should be complete, at the same time it should be performed in stages, gradually, and it has to be synchronized in terms of withdrawing those who support Libya’s west and those who support [its] east." Lavrov told Tass News Agency, adding that this approach will allow to preserve the balance of forces thanks to which Libya has managed to maintain truce for over a year.
Lavrov said that the focus shouldn't be on a specific date for Libya elections, rather the focus should be on good preparation for the elections so there can be no place for doubt in the results.
He also indicated that all political parties in Libya should participate in elections, including the parties loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.