Updated Monday at 1:50 pm: Sharara oilfield resumes production after a day of shutdown
Libya oil output drops by 280.000 bpd as one citizen shuts Sharara oilfield's pipeline
Milletah oil and gas company said Sunday that Libya's biggest oilfield, Sharara, had been shutdown after a citizen closed the pipeline that pumps the field's oil to Al-Zawiya Refinery.
The person, named Hatem Al-Hadi from Zintan, claimed the pipeline passes through his land and caused environmental pollution, Milletah company said in a statement on its Facebook page.
"The same person closed the pipeline last year and then reopened after the company told him his six hectares land would be cleaned, but it hadn't." the statement adds.
The company added that Sharara oilfield came under pressure as the pipeline was closed and thus the supplies from Al-Zawiya Refinery were ceased, not to mention that 380.000 bpd of Libya's production will be lost over Sahrara and Al-Feel oilfields' closure.
Sharara oilfield was shut down more than once dropping with it the Libyan oil production rates to 6 months low with just 750.000 bpd after it had jumped over 1 million bpd. While NOC estimated the loss of Libya during the two-day closure of Sharara as 27 million dollars.
National Oil Corporation Chairman, Mustafa Sanallah described earlier the persons who shut down oilfields in Libya as terrorists and rejected the method they use (shutting down oilfields and pipelines) whenever they want to demand payment of salaries, release of detainees or abductees.
He also described the closure of Al-Feel by Petroleum Facilities Guard last Monday as a terrorist act.