The Libyan Defense Minister Salah Al-Namroush said the intelligence information about Khalifa Haftar forces' movement to the western region is very accurate, in what seemed a statement in response to Haftar's spokesman Ahmed Al-Mismari, who denied mobilization of armed forces toward western Libya.
Al-Namroush said the intelligence information is based on minute notices and accurate accounts not on reporters' words, adding that the recurrent violations of ceasefire by Haftar's forces are a living proof that they keep no promises and that they have no morals.
He indicated that the Libyan Army under the command of the Government of National Accord is committed to the ceasefire and comprehensive political settlement that leads to stability and security.
Haftar's spokesman denied Friday that their forces were preparing for an attack on western Libya, in a response to an earlier warning by Al-Namroush, who called on GNA forces to be on alert for any movements by Haftar's forces toward Bani Walid, Tarhouna and Gharyan.