International non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are violating Libya's sovereignty and are constantly obstructing the agreements with the EU that have benefits for Libya regarding cutting off the influx of illegal immigrants, said the spokesman of the Libyan Navy, Ayoub Qassim.
"All the measures followed by the international community regarding the immigration issues are faulty and are encouraging for more immigrants' influx." Ayoub Qassim told the Italian news agency, Aki.
He added that those NGOs have no regard to the sovereignty of Libya's lands and waters, which are guaranteed by all international laws.
"Migrants' numbers are in a constant hike reaching a 20% higher rate compared to this time last year." Qassim explained, saying that the current measures are not precise and are encouraging human smugglers to work even more.
"The humanitarian NGOs are blocking any agreements that help Libya uproot the immigration issues, rather they are helping the crisis escalate." He added.
Carmelo Zuccaro, the chief prosecutor of the Italian Sicilian port city of Catania, also accused multi-nationality NGOs - especially in Malta and Germany - of having ties with Libyan human smugglers.
The German news agency reported Zuccaro as saying that the accusations don't pertain to charity NGOs like Doctors without Borders or Save the Children, while it is different for other NGOs like Migrant Offshore Aid Station in Malta and others in Germany, which make up the majority of the NGOs.