The military prosecutor in eastern Libya under the command of Khalifa Haftar has rejected surrendering the fugitive criminal Mahmoud Al-Werfalli to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
The military prosecutor told Russian news agency Sputnik that his office had cooperated with the ICC as per the Libyan laws and sovereignty regarding Mahmoud Al-Werfalli, adding that upon the orders of Khalifa Haftar, Al-Werfalli was placed under investigation and he had a case now at the court martial of Benghazi.
Interpol put Al-Werfalli on the Red List in February 2018 as per a request by the ICC as he faced charges of war crimes in 7 cases, including killing.
ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has recently renewed her call on Libyan authorities to surrender three wanted fugitives to her office; Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, Al-Tuhami Khalid and Mahmoud Al-Werfalli.
Bensouda said in her latest briefing at the UN Security Council that "Libyan National Army" Khalifa Haftar's forces don't want to surrender Al-Werfalli but rather they had promoted him to new military ranks.