Armed clashes in Zawiya on Sunday claimed the life of a child and injured five others, spokesman for the Emergency and Ambulance Service Osama Ali has confirmed.
The emergency department at the Zawiya Hospital said it received seven people as a result of the clashes, indicating that the injuries ranged from severe to moderate.
Meanwhile, clashes continue between armed groups in Zawiya, near the Bir Al-Ghanam Bridge, located in the city center.
In a related context, the Emergency and Ambulance Service confirmed that its teams in Zawiya have not been able to enter the areas of clashes in the city center.
The ambulance service called on residents to stay away from areas of clashes, including Khartoum Street in the Al-Ramha district near the Zawiya University.
Meanwhile, the Red Crescent branch in the city launched appeals to the disputing parties to cease hostilities and allow a safe passage for the stranded families.