The Stability Support Apparatus (SSA) said what happened in Tripoli on Saturday was led by the intention of Haythem Al-Tajouri to destabilize the capital and plunge it into a prolonged conflict by preparing logistics and weapons for that end.
It said Al-Tajouri's intention was seen and confirmed when his main headquarters in Al-Zawiya Street was stormed after a group of his forces had opened fire on a convoy from the General Security Apparatus, which then led for the instructions of starting SSA intervention to deal with this security breach that risked the stability of Tripoli and its residents.
The SSA said their security operation intended "to tackle the security threat in a very short time to limit the consequent losses of lives and properties and to avoid a prolonged conflict in Tripoli," expressing sorrow for the "some casualties and some damages to public and private properties" and reiterating that their operations were meant to defend civilians and the capital as well as the whole country.
The SSA said it would remain a defender against any party that would want to harm the people, especially in Tripoli.