The UNSMIL announced Saturday on its website that as part of its efforts to promote national reconciliation among the Libyans, it held in coordination with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) a two-day meeting in Tunis on September 20-21 between delegations from Zintan and Tripoli, in order to facilitate a safe and peaceful return of internally displaced people (IDPs) hosted by the city of Zintan to their homes in the capital.
According to the UNSMIL, the meeting brought together all parties concerned with addressing the return of IDPs, including members of the House of Representatives, mayors of the concerned municipalities within Tripoli and Zintan, officials from the ministries of Justice, Social Affairs and Interior, members of the High Committee for the Return of IDPs, representatives of brigades in Tripoli and Zintan’s military council, as well as elders and civil society organizations.
UNSMIL explained that delegations from Tripoli and Zintan have discussed concrete actions, policies and mechanisms to ensure a peaceful return, including the security arrangements in the neighborhoods of return, guarantees of justice and accountability, the restoration of livelihoods and public services, compensations and the social re-integration of IDPs into the host community.
"The two delegations will sign a formal agreement in Libya, and jointly agree on a precise timeline for the peaceful return of IDPs to Tripoli." It further explained.
Meanwhile, several residents from Tripoli as well as armed fighters affiliated with Dignity Operation or those who fought for Zintan brigades in 2014 conflict in Tripoli left their houses in the capital and went to different cities, with the majority living in Zintan.