In an annual report on Thursday, the US State Department criticized the lack of action by the House of Representatives and Presidential Council to protect freedom of speech in Libya, referring to the pressure on the work of journalists.
The report says the armed groups, even those loyal to the official authorities, have been exerting power and control on media outlets, while many journalists have been targeted by "unknown parties."
The US State Department's report shed light on arbitrary and illegal killings against politicians, civil societies' figures and activists in Libya by armed groups, gangs and ISIS terrorists, indicating that militias under the recognized government are also committing such crimes in addition to forced disappearances and arbitrary detentions.
The US called for more transparency in administering the oil revenue and public expenditure in Libya, saying officials have escaped justice despite evidence of their corruption.
It added that by the Libyan law, corruption should be a crime and the perpetrators should go to prison but the government did not exact the law.
The US State Department issues a report every year about human rights in the world. This report covers January to December of 2018.