By Abdullah Alkabir, political writer and commentator
For a real national reconciliation

After the end of the dispute and conflict over the Central Bank of Libya file, with an agreement on a new governor and the formation of a board of directors for the bank, signs of a new crisis loom on the horizon between the Presidential Council and the House of Representatives over the file of transitional justice and national reconciliation.
Achieving national reconciliation in order to be the basis for the rest of the legislative and political entitlements falls within the powers of the Presidential Council according to the Tunis-Geneva Agreement. The African Union assigned a high-level African committee to follow up and coordinate with the Presidential Council to achieve reconciliation, without any noteworthy results despite the conferences, seminars and dialogues held at home and abroad to discuss this file between political, social and military parties.
The House of Representatives intervened in this file with a statement by the lifelong president of the House, Aguila Saleh, with a group described as "notables of the western region" in which he spoke about national reconciliation and the passing of the Transitional Justice Law by the House of Representatives, stressing that "the law was formulated under the principle of fair justice, the establishment of rights and redress for harm by compensating those affected and completing customary social and legal reconciliation."
We do not know what kind of fair justice, he is talking about by a person who gave legitimacy to bringing foreign mercenaries to Libya, and supported and blessed, as head of the House, Haftar's war on Tripoli, before admitting that it was a mistake when he presented himself for the presidency position, before the Geneva Forum! In addition to the laws and decisions he issued in violation of the constitutional declaration, the political agreement, and the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives, and his insistence on the presidency of the House without holding any elections that confirm his position, and then his acceptance of the peaceful rotation of power until the decision of the House of Representatives became his exclusive property.
Head of the Presidential Council called on Aguila Saleh to approve the National Reconciliation Law referred by the Presidential Council last February without making any amendments in a transparent and properly convened session of the House of Representatives.
The condition that the Head of the Presidential Council set for the Speaker of the House of Representatives is an impossible one, because Aguila did not and will not adhere to any transparent or due procedures in the House’s sessions, and the majority of the representatives accepted or surrendered to the current state of the House of Representatives, either for fear of being harassed by Haftar's gangs, or because they are just ordinary people who are only concerned with their high salaries and the benefits of the House’s membership.
The law is not circulated in the media, and the people have not seen it to express their opinion, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives will not hold a referendum on it, as all disputes over the election laws, the draft constitution, and the state system can be resolved quite simply through the referendum mechanism after good preparation, giving activists and elites the appropriate time for dialogue, and educating the general public about the advantages and disadvantages of all options, but none of the parties in power want to awaken the slumbering giant (the people).
In the file of national reconciliation, a set of rules must be emphasized so that reconciliation can be established in a sound manner that can be built upon to consolidate the values of coexistence and peace among all components of the Libyan people.
First. Neither the Presidential Council nor the current House of Representatives are qualified to lead a real national reconciliation. This file requires an elected body (parliament) that has the full mandate of the people to advance this reconciliation. The legitimacy of the current House of Representatives has been eroded, and it was only rehabilitated through political agreements. The Presidential Council was elected by a special group under the auspices of the United Nations, in a meeting that smelled of bribery and corruption.
Second. Emphasizing that transitional justice precedes reconciliation, and that justice cannot exempt criminals from symbolic and material punishment. Then comes the talk about compensation, redressing the damage, and establishing covenants between the parties to the reconciliation.
Third. Defining the parties to the reconciliation, that is, answering this question. Reconciliation between whom? Since most cities and tribes succeeded in achieving reconciliation following the violent events and attacks that occurred between them during or after the February Revolution, therefore, is the aim to recycle political figures who committed crimes against Libyans in the name of reconciliation?
Fourth. Tapping into all local and international reconciliation experiences and seeking the assistance of experts and scholars to formulate a law that is fair to all and a reconciliation acceptable to all components of the people, in which the page of all previous disputes and conflicts is turned and the country embarks on a new beginning.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Libya Observer