Three young children, amongst them two siblings, were wounded in a landmine explosion in the Al-Khalla region, planted by Russian Wagner mercenaries, along with other militias lo
The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has renewed its warning about the presence of landmines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in south Tripoli.
A team from the "Free Field Foundation" -a Libyan NGO- in cooperation with the Scouts Movement of Tripoli branch has organized awareness-raising activities on Landmines and remna
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Libyan government on Tuesday expressed grave concern over reports regarding the killing of civilians in Tripoli by explosive l
A spokesman for Operation Volcano of Rage announced the injury of seven members of the Field Engineering Brigade, following the explosion of mines and improvised explosives laid by Haftar militias
The Military engineering Unite has successfully managed to deactivate a land mine found in a flower pot in one of the houses in a neighborhood south of Tripoli.