The UN special envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salame, said on Friday that Libya's sovereignty is being violated as a result of the absence of secure borders and a unified central authority, protected by the army, police, which has made the threat of foreign military intervention more realistic.

After a meeting with the Tunisian Foreign Minister, Khamis Jahnawi, in Tunis, Salame said that the UN is working to unify the internationally recognized Libyan authority in order to gather forces that do not pose a threat to Libya or its neighbours, especially Tunisia, which has historical ties with Libya.

Salame added that his work is based on the implementation of the United Nations action plan adopted by the UN Security Council last September, which includes a reconciliation plan between Libyan cities, and to secure the return of displaced people to their homes, in addition to the convergence of views between conflicting parties, especially those in dispute over the country's draft constitution, which was prepared last year.
