The spokesman of the Libyan Navy, Brigadier Ayoub Qasim, said on Saturday that his institution has no idea about the alleged joint Libyan-Italian security room in Tripoli, which was claimed by Italian media.
“I have no idea about it, I can neither confirm nor deny that, the Italians may have agreed with the GNA, but the Libyan Navy has no knowledge,” Qasim confirmed to Libya Observer.
Italian newspaper La Stamp reported on Friday that a joint operation room has been set up in Tripoli to monitor the coast and southern Libyan borders and stop the flow of illegal immigrants and terrorists by using drones.
La Stamp claimed that the operation room is the first of its kind where sophisticated technologies would be used to stop the migrants and terrorists
The newspaper also reported that experts from the Intelligence Agency, the Department of Public Security and the Ministry of Defence have left Italy to start collaboration with Tripoli authorities.