Tripoli Court of Appeal has sentenced the ex-regime figures earlier today as follows:
First, Death Sentence by firing squad and court fines of 50 thousand dinars on:
1: Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, son of former dictator Muamer Gaddafi
2: Abdullah Al-Sanousi, ex-Gaddafi Chief of Intelligence
3: Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi (plus a compensation of LYD906.418 million for the public budget of the state), ex-Gaddafi Prime Minister
4: Mansour Daw, ex-Gaddafi People's Guards (Bodyguards of Gaddafi)
5: Abu Zaid Omar Dordah, ex-Gaddafi Chief of Foreign Security
6: Milad Daman, ex-Gaddafi Chief of Internal Security
7: Abdulhamid Ammar Awhida
8: Awaidat Ghandour Al-Noubi
9: Munder Mukhtar Al-Ghanimy
Second, Life Sentence plus permanent stripping of civil rights on:
1: Hassan Al-Wahishi Al-Sadeq
2: Amer Ali Faraj
3: Matouq Al-Hadi Al-Hadi
4: Bashir Ali Hmeidan (plus a court fine of LYD32 thousand)
5: Mohammed Abu Bakir Al-Reeb (plus a court fine of LYD50 thousand and a compensation of LYD150 million for the public budget of the state)
6: Faraj Al-Mabrouk Masoud
7: Omran Mohammed Al-Furjani
8: Mohammed Dawal-Hannashi
Third, 12 years in prison sentences on:
1: Mohammed Belqasem Al-Zway
2: Mohammed Ahmed Al-Sharif (plus a court fine of LYD50 thousand and a compensation of LYD2.603.000 million for the public budget of the state)
3: Jebril Ali Al-Kadiki
4: Jamal Ihmaida Al-Shahid
5: Abdullah Belqasem Al-Shaabni
6: Muhsin Al-Hadi Allamoushi
7: Saied Abdullah Al-Gharyani
Fourth, 10 years in prison sentences on:
1: Abdulhafid Al-Zlitni (plus a court fine of LYD50 thousand and a compensation of LYD193.755.00 million for the public budget of the state)
2: Abu Ajilah Khair Masoud
3: Ammar Al-Mabrouk Al-Nayed
4: Mohammed Ramadan Shatibah
Fifth, 6 years in prison sentences plus court fines of 50 thousand dinars on:
1: Abdulrahim Abdulsalam Al-Gmati (plus a compensation of LYD51.377.000 million for the public budget of the state)
2: Ali Abdulsalam Al-Reeb (plus a compensation of LYD1.500.00 million for the General budget of the State)
3: Abulraouf Masoud Al-Awar (plus a compensation of LYD2.373.000 million for the General budget of the State)
Sixth, 5 years in prison sentence plus a court fine of LYD10 thousand and a compensation of 110.000 million for the public budget of the state on:
Abdulhamid Faraj Al-Mizuaghi.
Seventh, Acquittal sentences on:
1: Abdullati Al-Obeidi, ex-Gaddafi foreign minister
2: Ali Al-Maqtouf Al-Zawi
3: Mohammed Khalifa Al-Waer
4: Amer Ali Madi
Finally, Dropping Charges on:
Mahdi Al-Tahir Al-Jatlawi for mental disorder reasons.