UNICEF said it would continue to support Libyan schools to be more inclusive, according to a program committed to promoting the rights of children with disabilities to improve their education.

In its monthly report, UNICEF said that it had begun to focus on 40 integrated schools in the east, west and south of the country with the aim of improving them to include all groups, developing the quality of access to education and supporting the implementation of the national project called “No Difference” for educational inclusion.

It added that the second phase of the project would focus on providing educational materials that support the inclusion of children with disabilities, “Montessori Rooms”, covering 40 schools throughout Libya, to establish and equip Montessori Rooms in regular schools.

UNICEF said that it had installed the first Montessori Room in Tripoli, specifically in Mohammed Mahmoud bin Othman school, and the second in Okba bin Nafie school in Benghazi, confirming its continuation in the third phase of the project in supporting the Ministry of Education and the Department of People with Special Needs by focusing on building sensitive capacities to integrate educational staff into the targeted schools. The phase is expected to start in May of this year as planned.

UNICEF also announced the completion of the first phase of the project, which was launched in July 2022 and consisted of 3 phases, targeting and rehabilitating 12 schools serving more than 10,000 children. The schools were handed over to the Ministry of Education last March.