The Education Minister-designate of the Government of National Accord Mihammed Emmari said the plans for reopening schools and resuming studies will be announced next Wednesday and Thursday.
In a meeting on Tuesday with the relevant committee, he said he had appointed the moments to consult anti-coronavirus committee to give justifications for their disapproval of the Education Ministry's plan to resume study.
The Head of the National Committee for Culture, Science and Education Abdolmenem Abu Laeha reviewed many countries' experiences in resuming study amid Covid-19 pandemic, saying his committee had given reports to UNESCO and other organizations to explain Libyan Education Ministry's plans to reopen schools as per precautionary measures. He said over 90 countries in the world had announced resumption of study for the new school year.
The deputy minister of education Adel Jumua also said they had all the needed equipment to reopen schools, saying they are ready to resume study.
Based on scientific recommendations, the Ministry canceled its plan for the return of secondary school students to normal study on August 08, saying online learning will continue until after secondary school exams in next October.