The head of the Scientific Advisory Committee for Combating Coronavirus, Khalifa al-Bakoush, confirmed that the agreement to import the Coronavirus vaccine has been approved by Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj but the routine formalities regarding the financial procedures may take a long time.
Al-Bakoush said the epidemic will be tackled through an intersectoral approach, including a sectoral committee composed of under-secretaries for health, local government, and social affairs.
The vaccine will be distributed by the National Center for Disease Control, with a distribution system affiliated with the Health Ministry to determine the dates and centres of vaccination, according to the advisory committee's head, noting that they have formed seven technical committees to follow through the task.
The advisory committee will follow up with the vaccination centers in cooperation with the UNICEF to ensure that the required conditions are applied. Al-Bakoush underlined that they chose the best internationally approved vaccinations from Pfizer companies to Zinka, Moderna, and Johnson.
The final agreement with the vaccine-producing companies requires providing safe sites for distributing the vaccine and a health and legal system in a state that guarantees treatment for every citizen exposed to side complications.
Upon these terms, the countries receiving these vaccines will commit under the convention not to prosecute the manufacturer in the event of side complications for those who receive the vaccine, according to al-Bakoush, noting that this procedure has been obligated internationally.