The Agricultural Project No.45 in Jufra city was sabotaged and almost completely damaged – including sideline facilities – putting a merciless end to the efforts spent on conducting the project, said the official responsible for local affairs in Sukna town, Mohammed Ganifid.
Speaking to the press, Ganifid said the project, which is founded on 2000 hectares and has got 300 farms-to-be, is meant to plant palm and olive trees in western Sukna town, but it was vandalized and damaged to the extent that it has been demolished.
“Huge area was damaged. It included figs, olive, palm, grapes, apricot trees and other trees.” He added, saying that those fruits were meant to be distributed to citizens once the project was ready.
Ganifid accused Libyans and foreign immigrants of stealing electricity cables, irrigation pipelines as well as pumps, saying that such a theft has spread over the county without any deterrence.
“Now the project is a forsaken piece of land.” He concluded.