The deputy spokesman for the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq has confirmed that the UN and Germany are preparing for a Berlin II Conference to pick up from where the first conference of January 2020 has left.
Haq told the German news agency that the Berlin II Conference will be held on October 05 and it will be a virtual meeting (video conference).
The deputy spokesman said the Berlin II Conference will include representatives from the UN, European Union and Arab League, as well as US, UK, Germany, France, China, Turkey, Italy, UAE, Egypt and Algeria.
The UNSMIL said on September 12 that the dialogues in Switzerland and Morocco were positive enough to pave the way for a conclusive Libyan political process that would be announced in a later time.
Germany also hailed the Libyan talks in Switzerland and said they were promising results of the UNSMIL efforts under the leadership of acting envoy Stephanie Williams.