The Head of the Democracy and Human Rights Foundation, Emadeddin Muntasser, said a US federal judge had rejected Khalifa Haftar lawyer's request to interrogate the parties who supported Al-Zagali family case against him.
Muntasser said the US federal judge said she would rule against Haftar if he failed to attend hearing and, if so, she expected that the case wouldn't reach the jury.
Muntasser said the US court warned of some anti-Haftar parties could use the case for political propaganda and eventually lead to appealing jury decisions. He also said that Haftar's lawyer didn't explain his client's position regarding Monday hearing, while victims' lawyers complained about the prolongation and overuse of their resources by Haftar.
He reiterated that lawyers of the victims of the three lawsuits against Haftar attended the hearing along with Haftar's lawyers, adding that the interrogation points of both sides of the lawsuit were explained, in addition to the claims of Haftar's lawyers that Al-Zagali family case was used by some for political aims.