The United States House of Representatives has passed a bill to target sanctions against US private companies that violate the UN arms embargo on Libya or are caught up in sending mercenaries, the Head of the Democracy and Humans Right Foundation Emadeddin Muntasser confirms.
Al-Muntasser added that the US House of Representatives also passed a law obligating the US Department of Justice to follow up on the file of US citizens committing war crimes and torture in Libya.
He indicated that the bill comes as a result of intense efforts made over the past four years, which started with a complaint his foundation submitted to the US Department of Justice to investigate the crimes of Khalifa Haftar as an American citizen.
The complaint included nearly 300 pages of legal analysis of Haftar's crimes supported with evidence and documents and how they apply to US domestic law.
"For the past four years, we have been communicating with the US Department of Justice, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the media to investigate the crimes of Haftar and his sons and to form a committee of jurors."
According to Muntasser, they also addressed The Livingston Group on their contract concluded with Khalifa Haftar, which provides for arranging a visit for Haftar to Washington to meet administration officials, lawmakers, and NGOs, to burnish his public image in the US.
He called on the firm to terminate the contract and warned that it would have implications and put the company in legal jeopardy.