The head of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), Farhat Bengdara, said the corporation aims to achieve self-sufficiency in fuel and its derivatives during an event to celebrate Eid Al-Adha at the NOC's HQ on Thursday.
"The corporation seeks to realize a set of objectives, including launching the South Refinery project to achieve self-sufficiency in fuel and its derivatives, developing existing refineries, restoring the Ras Lanuf refinery, focusing on the oil industry, and other investment projects, " Bengdara explained.
He said the stability in the oil and gas sector had a positive impact, particularly in the regular payment of wages and the stable electrical grid, noting that this was due to the uninterrupted fuel supplies.
Bengdara also touched upon the NOC's plan to increase crude oil production to two million barrels a day in the coming years, and to focus on increasing gas production and developing human resources, besides its strategy to shift to digital techniques and clean energy.