In the fourth chapter of the Audit Bureau annual report for 2017 issued on Wednesday, it revealed data and figures showing violation and exaggeration in spending by the Presidential Council (PC) based in Tripoli, along with House of Representatives (HoR) members and High Council (HCS) of State ones.
"Despite the HoR having its own financial measures, some HoR members were receiving some privileges from the PC, which is a huge violation." The report says.
It adds that the PC spent in 2017 over 3.273 million dinars on members for flight tickets, hotels and also booked money and travel bonuses.
"Four HCS members and at least one HoR member took money from Presidential Council, which needs a probe as this is a serious violations." The report adds.
"The PC spent over 9 million dinars on private jets and a lot of money on giving presents to guests. One gift was worth 167.000 dinars." The report explains.
The report accused PC members of using public funds for furnishing their offices - one office for Fathi Mijibri cost about a million dinars, pointing to other money squandered by defense ministry and interior ministry, accusing them of taking money in form of fake rewards to armed groups and brigades.
Libya's economy has been on slide lately as oil production - which is the main revenue source - has been also fluctuating, et alone security challenges and political limbo.