A member of the Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA), Nadia Omran, confirmed Saturday that members of the CDA were prevented from holding dialogue sessions in Shahhat and Al-Bayda cities, east of Libya, to explain the base and vision on which the draft constitution was made, despite prior coordination with the Ministry of Interior of the Interim Government and civil society organizations in these two cities.
"CDA members were precluded, in several cities of the eastern region, from holding dialogue sessions to interpret the provisions of the constitution to citizens, in order their vote would be based on a proper understanding of the constitution, away from media distortions," Omran said in a press statement.
She also pointed out that coordination was carried out with the Ministry of Interior and civil society institutions in all targeted cities, for holding meetings in this regard, however, their work was hindered under the pretext of maintaining public security and social peace, according to Omran.
Omran indicated that dialogue meetings in Shahhat and Al-Bayda were scheduled to be held last Wednesday and Thursday, following the session held at Al-Qubbah town.
"On the day of the meeting in Shahhat last Wednesday, the members were informed by the Mayor of Shahhat not to come to the city, for the benefit of "social peace", despite prior coordination in this respect," Omran clarified, adding that the same happened last Thursday, where a session in Al-Bayda was cancelled after contact with the chief of staff of the constituent body, who asked them not to come on the instructions of the security director of Al-Bayda, also under the same excuse of "public security and social peace."
CDA members held several dialogue sessions in a number of cities to introduce the draft constitution, which was finalized by the commission on 29 July 2017 in preparation to be put to a referendum among the Libyan people, according to CDA member Omran.
The political and military components of the eastern region - controlled by Hafter's forces - reject the draft constitution as it stands, because its provisions clearly prohibit Hafter from running in any upcoming presidential elections.