Warlord Khalifa Haftar's militias have been kidnapping, Abdul Hadi Tughar, the representative of the British Arab Commercial Bank in Libya, an affiliate of the Libyan Foreign Bank, for about a month now.
Sources close to Tughar confirmed that an armed group from Haftar's militias took him from his home in Qasr bin Ghashir; an area south of Tripoli that has been under control of Haftar's forces for four months now.
Haftar's militias have continued to detain bloggers, activists, and officials in Qasr bin Ghashir area of Tripoli, the last of them was Abdul Hadi Tughar and before him was the High Council of State (HCS) member, Muhammad Abu Ghumajeh.
Detentions and acts of violence committed by Haftar's forces against Tripoli's residents continue in the light of the absence of any international deterrence towards such incidents.