Senior Al-Saiqa Forces field commander, Captain Mahmud Al-Wirfalli, resigned on Monday; two days after his rogue militia attacked a police station in Benghazi and killed on-duty officer.
Al-Wirfalli appeared in a video tape escorted by his militiamen to announce his resignation. He said he is no longer a military officer and that he will be back to his civil life.
“I submit my resignation from the military service as from today, Monday, May 15.” He announced.
Al-Wirfallai was reacting to a wave of public criticism accusing him of being responsible for several crimes within the city of Benghazi.
Benghazi Security Directorate pointed the finger at Al-Wirfalli’s rogue Al-Saiqa groups for the killing of police officer Captain Musa Al-Mijibri on Saturday.
Al-Wirfalli admitted in the video that heinous crimes have been committed in Benghazi recently including burning of houses, robbing and armed clashes, but he denied links to them.
“We never allow anyone to accuse our group of being behind these crimes,” he said, adding that his group had a prominent role in defeating “the “Khawarij,” Dignity Operation’s de facto opponents.
Observers said Al-Wirfalli’s resignation is “mere ink on paper” to ease public anger and avoid future prosecution over the police officer’s killing.
Mahmud Al-Wirfalli is a serial killer who has committed several ISIS-style murders of captives.