A group of EU Parliament members are seeking to have 146 armoured vehicles that IRINI seized off Libya's coast last year, transferred to Ukraine, the European magazine Politico has said.
According to the publisher, IRINI seized the vehicles under the UN arms embargo imposed on Libya.
Europe seeks to transfer the vehicles confiscated by IRINI and deliver them to Ukraine, akin to the United States, which also plans to send ammunition seized from Iran to Ukraine, the report indicates.
However, the magazine said Libya is lobbying the United Nations to return those armed vehicles.
It quoted a report by Dutch television as saying that the Public Prosecution in the Netherlands has begun a criminal investigation into the involvement of a Dutch shipping company in violating the arms embargo on Libya.
"A cargo ship belonging to a Dutch company attempted to transport 41 armoured vehicles coming from a factory in the Emirates, heading to Benghazi before IRINI confiscated them."
Dutch television indicated that IRINI inspectors referred the intercepted ship to the French coastal city of Marseille before it was released later.