Social media pages have seen bitter criticism and anger over news about the interference of the member of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord (GNA) Ahmed Mitig who called for halting Sirte attack, saying it is a red line for Russia.
The member of media office of Volcano of Rage Operation Abdelmalik Al-Madani said Mitig called the commander of Sirte-Jufra Liberation Room Ibrahim Baytalmal and urged him to halt Sirte attack and to pull out to Buwairat Hassoun area, saying there were large numbers of Russian mercenaries in Sirte, which he described as red line for the Russians.
"His message was recommended by the Egyptian Intelligence that fabricated the presence of Russians in Sirte and said it hindered the GNA forces' entry and control on the city. Mitig passed the lies to Sirte-Jufra Liberation Room and held them off at Buwairat Hassoun town." Al-Madani said.
He added that they had called the Head of the Presidential Council Fayez Al-Sarraj, who ordered continuation of liberation operations to free Sirte from Haftar's forces, saying the advance orders come from the command and field commanders only.
The commander of Sirte-Jufra Liberation Room Ibrahim Baytalmal told reporters that he had received Al-Sarraj's orders to continue the attack on Sirte and to pursue with the liberation efforts so that all Libyan soil can be under legitimate authorities, adding the orders only come from the Chief Commander of the Libyan Army, so all attempts by individuals to influence military operations are in vain.
Many activists called for Mitig to be sacked from the Presidential Council and for him to stand trial as he caused confusion on the frontline and made the Sirte advance fail, leading to a number of deaths.
The Libyan Army launched Doroob Al-Nasser (Victory Paths) Operation on Saturday to liberate Sirte and Jufra from Haftar's forces and GNA forces managed to enter many positions in Sirte before retreating under heavy airstrikes by UAE drones in support of Haftar.