Tens of protesters took to the streets in Benghazi in a sit-in in front of Saiqa Brigade (Haftar-led Special Forces) building in Bu Atni area expressing dismay and rejection for the departure of the brigade from the city.
Khalifa Haftar tasked Saiqa Brigade with going to Jufra with all its military might after it has been pulled out from fighting in eastern Benghazi.
The new task aims at containing the tension in Jufra after several violations by Haftar's forces in there.
"Brigade 106 - led by Saddam Haftar, Khalifa Haftar's son - should go to Jufra. Saiqa Brigade must remain in Benghazi." The protesters shouted.
The media official at the brigade, Riyad Al-Shahibi, said they were surprised by the people's protest.
"People were preventing the military vehicles from leaving the military camp. Every time a vehicle tries to leave, the protesters get in its way until they forced all vehicles back in the camp of the brigade." The media official said on his Facebook page.
Other sources confirmed that some of Saiqa Brigade fighters and vehicles had already left Benghazi toward Jufra awaiting the rest of the brigade's fighters and military vehicles and equipment after they stabilize the protesters, who demand keeping the brigade in Benghazi and sending a force led by Haftar's son for the task.